A professional society dedicated to fostering and promoting research, education, and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds.

8th International Workshop on Desiccation Sensitivity and Tolerance across Life Forms (15-19 January 2024, South Africa)

We are delighted to announce, and invite you to the ISSS-sponsored “8th International Workshop on Desiccation Sensitivity and Tolerance across Life Forms”, which will be held from the 15th to 19th of January 2024 at the Euphoria Lifestyle and Golf Estate in the Waterberg UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa.  This biosphere is known for the large amount of “resurrection plants” it hosts.

The aims of this Workshop series are to bring together leading academic experts and young scientists from across multiple disciplines and all Kingdoms, invested in understanding the nature of desiccation-sensitivity and – tolerance, to share the novel and innovative research being done globally and importantly to foster and build long-lasting collaborations.

We offer you an all inclusive arrangement for an affordable price, once you have arrived in Johannesburg. Visit our website at www.desworks.co.za for all the information.

Looking forward to your registration!.



Jill M. Farrant and Henk W.M. Hilhorst

Organizers and Hosts



Please contact desworks2024@gmail.com or visit desworks.co.za for more information.



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