A professional society dedicated to fostering and promoting research, education, and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds.

Awards and Honours

The Lifetime Membership Award

The Executive Committee of the ISSS is empowered to honour those who have made exceptional contributions to the Society, by conferring upon them an Honorary Life Membership. This honor may be bestowed on not more than one member per year and may not be awarded to current members of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee has awarded a Lifetime Membership Award to the following members:

2024 Roberto Benech-Arnold
2022 Henk Hilhorst
2022 Hugh Pritchard
2021 Mike Black
2021 Kent Bradford
2021 Françoise Corbineau
2021 Bill Finch-Savage
2014 John Dickie
2013 Ken Thompson
2012 Karen Koster
2011 Derek Bewley

The Alfred Mayer Plenary Lecture

The invited plenary lecture presented at the biennial ISSS Conference is named the ‘A.M. Mayer Plenary Lecture’, in honour of his role in organizing the first international workshop on seeds and his contributions to seed science. This overview lecture on seed biology will be presented by a well-recognized and respected seed researcher, chosen or approved by the Executive Committee. (Motion at 2004 AGM, Wageningen: prop. Derek Bewley; sec. Steve Adkins ; carried unanimously).

2023 Steven Footitt
2021 Gerhard Leubner
2017 Jill Farrant
2014 Henk Hilhorst
2011 Roberto Benech-Arnold
2008 Mike Holdsworth
2005 Peter Chandler

The Michael Black Founders Lecture

The Michael Black Founders Lecture is an invited lecture at the biennial ISSS Conference, named in recognition of his efforts in establishing the ISSS. This lecture on an innovative area of research in seed biology will be presented by an establishing researcher, whose research is novel and pioneering. The presenter will be chosen by or approved by the Executive Committee. (Motion at 2004 AGM, Wageningen: prop. Derek Bewley; Kent Bradford moved to accept; sec. Bill Finch-Savage; carried unanimously).

2023 Marianna AS Artur
2021 Guillaume Née
2017 Oscar Lorenzo
2014 George Bassel
2011 Steven Penfield
2008 Ilse Kranner
2005 Julia Buitink

The J. Derek Bewley Career Lecture

The J. Derek Bewley Career Lecture is an invited lecture at the biennial ISSS Conference named in recognition of his illustrious career and multiple contributions to seed science. This lecture invites a late career or newly retired seed scientist to provide a retrospective presentation on the field and her/his career with a view to lessons learned and implications for the future.

2023 Hugh Pritchard
2021 Françoise Corbineau and Richard Ellis
2017 Kent Bradford
2014 Derek Bewley

Marc Cohn Award

Awards for oral and poster presentations by early career researchers and students at the biennial ISSS conferences.

2023 14th Biennial Conference, Paris, France

Oral presentation: Jonas August, Sorbonne University
Poster 1st: Michael Gasper, University of Munster
Poster 2nd: Nicki Marami, University of Innsbruck
Poster 3rd: Fatima Pollo-Rodriguez, University of Salamanca

Student Travel Grants

Grants are awarded to student members to enable them to present at the Society’s meetings.

2022 Seed Ecology VII, Gijón/Xixón, Spain

Spyridon Oikonomidis
Lorenzo Pinzani
Diana Cruz
Ruby Paroissien
Fernanda Caro Beveridge
Heloiza Lourenço Zirondi
Vanessa Couto Soares
Shyam S. Phartyal
Hamid Sharifi
Vanessa Hernandez-Mendoza
Thasajini Nagendran
Padmore Boateng Ansah

2021 13th Triennial Meeting, online

As this was a virtual meeting, awards were made to the following student members who gave oral and poster presentations at the meeting. A generous donation from the organisers of the 2019 Molecular Aspects of Seed Dormancy and Germination workshop in Volendam allowed fourteen student prizes to be awarded.

Takuya Aoyanagi, Shizuoka University, Japan
Thibault Barrit, Agrocampus Ouest, France
Makrina Diakaki, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Maraeva Gianella, Universita di Pavia, Italy
Thorben Krüger, University of Münster, Germany
Zheng LiPeng, Meiji University, Japan
Eddison Loades, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Sandra Maluleke, University of South Africa, South Africa
Vanessa Soares, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Brazil
Satya Srii, University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, India
Rachel Taylor, University of Leeds, UK
Matthew Walker, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Heather Wickson, Cranfield University, UK
Dustin Wolkis, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA and University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2019 Seed Ecology VI, Regensburg, Germany

Deshika Muthuthanthirige, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Francesco Martini, Guangxi University, China
Carlos A. Ordóñez-Parra, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Heloiza Zirondi, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil
Andre Arruda, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
Milène Nadège Koutouan-Kontchoi, Université Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire

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For information on ISSS membership, contact:

Louise Colville
Email: l.colville@kew.org

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