A professional society dedicated to fostering and promoting research, education, and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds.

Meetings & Events

Job opportunity – Assistant or Associate Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

For more details see: Faculty position Plant Reproductive Biology, University of Kentucky, KY


Registration open for 14th Biennial ISSS conference

The 14th ISSS biennial conference will be held at Sorbonne Université (Paris) from 3 to 7 July 2023.

Registration is now open: https://isss2023.sciencesconf.org/

Early bird registration closes on 15th March 2023.

Deadline for abstract submission is 30th April 2023.

7th International Plant Dormancy Symposium

Registration and abstract submission are open for the 7th International Plant Dormancy Symposium, which will be held at University of Western Australia, 12-15th September 2023.


15th International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals

The event organization committee (EOC, chair: Dr. Shingo Nakamura at NARO, Japan) are pleased to announce the 15th International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals to be held on October 4-6, 2023 in Tsukuba, Japan. We will be publishing more details about the symposium over the coming months. Please visit the web site periodically (https://15isphsc.jp/).

For further information, please contact EOC (E-mail: isphsc2023@ml.affrc.go.jp)

Save the date: 14th Biennial ISSS Conference – Paris, 3-7 July 2023

The 14th Biennial ISSS Conference will take place in Paris from 3-7th July 2023.

More information and website coming soon.


ISSS/ISTA Webinar on Seed development and viability

The International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS) are happy to announce a jointly organised webinar on Seed development and viability on Tuesday, 28 June at 15:00 – 16:00 CET.


Dr Duarte Figueiredo from Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany

Dr Jose B. França-Neto from Embrapa Soybean, Brazil

Moderator: Dr. Andreas Wais, ISTA Secretary General

Register here to join the free webinar.

Seed Functional Ecology Winter School, 2022

The second edition of Seed Functional Ecology School will be held online from 24th to 28th January 2022.

The winter school, which is sponsored by the ISSS, will provide an up-to-date theoretical background and the practical laboratory and statistical skills needed for the measurement, analysis and reporting of seed functional studies linked to three main functions: dispersal, persistence and establishment.

The school aims to educate the next generation of plant ecologists to include regeneration traits in their current and future research, and to facilitate the further development of plant functional trait ecology into new areas.

Registration is open now. Places are limited so early registration is recommended.

To apply and for further information please see the website (http://seedschool.unipv.it/)


Registration open for ISSS 2021

Registration for ISSS 2021 (online) is now open. To join the virtual conference please register here.

Registration fees
ISSS Member* £100
Non-member £150
ISSS Student Member*/** £50
Student Non-member** £75
Resident in Low or Lower-Middle Income country*** FREE

*Membership status will be checked.
**Students must be currently registered on an under/postgraduate program.
***Countries listed as low or lower-middle income in the World Bank Country and Lending Groups for 2021.

Registration will close on 2 August 2021 or sooner if capacity is filled. Please note that proof of student status or residence in a low or lower-middle income country will be required for discounted/free registration.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please email isss2021@kew.org.

We look forward to seeing you online at ISSS 2021.


Call for abstracts for ISSS 2021


We are pleased to invite you to submit abstracts for presentations at the 13th Triennial ISSS Conference which will be held online on 9-13 August 2021.

The theme of the 13th Triennial Conference is ‘Seed innovation systems for the 21st century’ and the program will cover all aspects of seed science, from the fundamental science underlying seed development, germination, and lifespan through to applied research and the development of cutting-edge technologies that will transform conservation and seed production. Through a series of invited and contributed talks and thematic discussions, this world congress aims to review the current state of the art in seed science and develop a roadmap for priority research in the future.

Abstracts are invited for oral presentations across the five conference themes. Oral presentations will be 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. Abstracts not accepted for an oral presentation may be selected for a lightning talk (5 min inc. questions) or poster presentation (format to be confirmed).

The deadline for abstract submission is 28th May 2021.

Further information and guidelines for submission are available here.

If you have any questions please email isss2021@kew.org.

We look forward to receiving your abstract submissions.

Best wishes,

Dr Louise Colville and Prof Hugh W. Pritchard
On behalf of the ISSS 2021 Organising Committee

ISSS 2021 will be online

In the face of continued uncertainty with respect to the COVID pandemic, we have taken the decision to hold the triennial meeting in 2021 online. The meeting will be hosted by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on 9 to 13 August 2021. We hope that an online meeting will enable us to engage with a wider audience and look forward to an exciting meeting.

Seed Innovation Systems for the 21st Century

Plenary speakers:

Prof. Richard Ellis, The J. Derek Bewley Career Lecture

Prof. Françoise Corbineau, The J. Derek Bewley Career Lecture

Prof. Gerhard Leubner, The Alfred Mayer Plenary Lecture

Dr Guillaume Née, The Michael Black Founders Lecture



  1. Seed memory – how environment influences traits during development
  2. Seed lifespan – the science of maximising survival
  3. Seed innovation systems for the 21st century (local to global)
  4. Seed form and function – the morphology of success
  5. Seed germination and stress – niches and coping strategies


Each theme will be supported by keynotes, posters, contributed talks and lightning talks. In addition, we will have themed discussions for strategy development on Enhancing lifespan; CWR-NUS; Trait databases; Seeds for use, e.g., restoration.

Papers from the meeting will be published in a special issue of Seed Science Research.

More details, including registration and abstract submission will be available soon.

Browse news & events: